Welcome to the sometimes surreal life of a rural mom, her two kids, and her legion of pets.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Joy of Kids

This is my weekend with the boys. I typically get them every three weeks. Usually it falls on a weekend with little to no extra income, but the boys have gotten used to that. So we find things to do. This is a lot easier in the summer of course, when there are plenty of free events going on. This time of year is a little more challenging. Between the weather changing every thirty seconds, and the mud that is up to our knees, Outdoor activities are usually out. I'll be honest. I am not "outdoorsy". I like to go for walks, and sit on the beach. I don't hunt, fish, camp, ski, snowmobile, or anything like that. My idea of a good time is putting in a cd and curling up on the sofa with a good book. We've discussed my lack of green thumb before, so obviously, I don't do much gardening either.

The boys don't seem too bothered by my lack of "outdoorsiness". Fox is pretty similar to me in that regard. Except instead of curling up with a book, he'd rather play video games. At least with the Wii, he's getting some exercise. Stone, at not quite four is happy riding his little tricycle in circles through the living area. His other favorite activity involves watching the movie "Ghostbusters" on endless loop. If I have to hear that theme song one more time, I may snap. Seriously.

Weekends with the boys though are special. Not just because they make me appreciate the weekends they are at their dad's more. (I'm only half kidding here.) It gives me a new perspective on them. I don't usually get to see them interact with each other. During the week, Fox is at school during the day, and I tend to work at night. On the weekends I get to see them play together, and drive each other bananas in a way that only siblings can. This morning for instance was a two hour argument about whether Fox was going to play Wii, or Stone was going to watch "Ghostbusters". I managed to get them to compromise, but eventually it just became easier to just leave the house with them.

Last night was a study in obnoxious. A friend of mine joined us for dinner. My darling boys took the obnoxious to the next level. I sent them into the living room to watch television so Bob and I could chat in the kitchen. Fox sat backwards in the recliner staring at us through the pass window. I told him repeatedly to go watch television, play in traffic, something, anything. But he kept interrupting. Stone kept running in to ask questions. The dogs kept jumping up and licking Bob in the face, sticking their head in his crotch, the whole nine yards. After he left I read the boys the riot act, sent them to bed, and poured myself a glass of wine.

It's a good thing they are so stinking cute. I really do love spending time with them. They usually manage to make me laugh. Fox got my sense of humor. To the point that I made a joke at his parent teacher conference, and one of his teachers looked at me and said "There is no doubt which kid is yours!" He has a dry sense of humor. The kind that people sometimes don't get. I cannot imagine where he got it from. Stone is just so energetic and loving that it's impossible not to smile around him. So back I go to spend time with the boys. Until next time...

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